oReduce income tax to much less than current amount, maximum 15% or income.
oValue Added Tax (VAT) reduced to 5%.
oReduce air travel tax. Plane tickets and holidays are expensive enough already.
oReduce road tax.
oSpend tax on important worthwhile projects such as the improving the NHS, education and reducing unemployment. Do not spend on useless projects such as diversity coordinators and civil servants.
oSupport antidisestablishmentarianism.
oBan homework, apart from personal revision in a subject.
oInvest in developing alternative energy sources, such as hydrogen fuel cells.
oDoing so will thus create more jobs and reduce unemployment.
oLeave European Union.
oJoin European Trade Organisation.
oRefuse to join euro.
oControl Immigration.
oImmediate removal of all illegal immigrants.
oDeport trouble making immigrants and asylum seekers.
oDeny British Citizenship to asylum seekers and immigrants, even if naturalised.
oHave a system such as in the U.A.E., when employment contract is up, have to leave country....[More]
Posted at: 03:50 PM | Permalink